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Family Member Employment Assistance Program – Twentynine Palms

Family members who are seeking employment opportunities may obtain assistance through FMEAP, which provides information on seeking and obtaining employment within the local labor market. FMEAP can help family members prepare for a successful job interview, draft a functional resume and learn to dress for employment success. Participants can also complete Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) training and take the national certification exam at no-cost. An Internet-ready lab with printing capabilities is available for patron job search and career development. Spouses are encouraged to attend the quarterly Spouse Transition and Readiness Seminar (STARS) to meet with subject matter experts (employment, relocation, financial, medical, the Distribution Management Office (DMO), etc.) who can support them as they prepare to transition from military service.

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Building 1526 7th Street Twentynine Palms, California 92278

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