Amanosi is an active-duty Army spouse, mom, writer, and the founder of Amanosi LLC a business consulting company inspired by the military life…
Brian Alvarado is the Senior Manager of Operations: Programs on the Military Spouse Team at Hiring our Heroes, a program of the US Chamber of …
Kellie Artis is a military spouse who serves as the COO of Kellie worked as the executive assistant to the managing director and…
Andy Blevins serves as the Principal & Managing Partner for Blevins Strategies, LLC, a boutique consulting firm that focuses on providing …
Angela Caban is an Army National Guard spouse, published author, and the Director of the Military Saves program. Military Saves is a campaign …
Randi Cairns is a nonprofits expert, organizational and personal growth consultant, and author. She has dedicated more than 25 years to servin…
After 30 years of service, René Campos retired from the Navy, where she held a variety of challenging positions in policy and program manageme…
Joanne is an Army veteran and the spouse of an Army retiree, who she supported for 18 of his 22-year career. She is a licensed clinical mental…
Lakesha Cole is a Marine spouse, author, and entrepreneur. She was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, and met her husband while attending college i…
Melissa Comeau is a Marine Corps spouse, director of the American Red Cross’ Military Veteran Caregiver Network, and a writer. She is known fo…
An attorney with over 20 years of legal experience, Stephanie Crosse is an active duty Army spouse, the daughter of a retired Army officer, an…
Andia Dinesen is the Executive Vice President for Communications and Operations for the Association of Military Banks of America (AMBA). &n…
Heidi is a senior consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, active duty Navy spouse, and Navy veteran. She is a graduate of Old Dominion University (…
Shelley Drisko is a Coast Guard spouse, a disabled Coast Guard veteran, and the child of a Navy veteran. She is the ombudsman for USCG Patrol …
Christopher Field is an Army spouse and a writer. He married his wife in 2001 and has four children, ages 14, 10, 6, and 3.
Brianna George is a Coast Guard spouse and dedicated volunteer with a strong background in communications and business. A military spouse of m…
Emily is an award-winning journalist and the partner of an active-duty Air Force service member. She and her partner are both very involved in…
Jen serves as director – military spouse & family for the government relations team at the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)…
Joanna is the writer and creator behind the popular military spouse website and the co-author of Modern Military Spouse. Her writ…
Peggy Haun is a Coast Guard spouse, volunteer, and representative for Military Special Needs Network and TRICARE for Kids. Peggy has been marr…
Ingrid Herrera-Yee is an Army National Guard spouse and the mother of three sons, one of whom has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder…
Reda Hicks is an Army spouse, an active participant in activities through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and a regular speaker for H…
Jeremy Hilton is a Navy veteran, Air Force spouse, and 2012 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year. He resigned his commission fro…
Lauren is an Army spouse and passionate supporter of military families. A realtor in Colorado Springs, Colorado and the PCS agent at Milhousin…
Lina Irizarry-De La Cruz is an Army Veteran spouse. She currently lives in North Dallas, Texas.
Libby Jamison serves as an Attorney Advisor with the Department of Veterans Affairs and is a co-founder of MissionLICENSE. She was recently re…
Kris Johnson graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree and certification in both Special Education-Learning Disabilities and Regular Element…
Ellie Kay is an Air Force spouse, mother of seven (including three in the military), grandmother to 7, and the author of 15 books, including “…
Dr. Kimball was awarded the Coast Guard Public Service Commendation for her service writing about military families in 2018. She received the …
Lacey Langford, The Military Money Expert is the founder of a personal finance blog and a boutique financial coaching practi…
Maggie is a creative, strategic professional with experience in government, politics, and public relations/communications. She has a passion f…
Kyra is a Department of the Air Force civilian employee currently working as an installation resident advocate in Colorado Springs, Colorado. …
Annette Maldonado is a leading expert in workforce development, emphasizing in curriculum design. Currently, she is a public servant in the Fe…
Taylor Miller is a Navy spouse and returning member of MFAN’s Advisory Board for the 2017–2019 term. She is the community outreach manager for…
Mary is a credentialed advocate, active duty Navy spouse, mom, and co-host of Shine Sis Podcast, a program dedicated to helping other military…
Dr. Sidra Montgomery is a sociologist who leads studies on women in the military, gender integration, sexual assault in the military, military…
Tammy Moore is a global humanitarian services professional and Senior Executive Advisor at the American Red Cross National Headquarters, Servi…
Rachel is an Air Force spouse, caregiver, and a dedicated advocate for military families. She provides military caregivers with evidence-based…
Sandra Perez Hawthorne is an Army spouse and an expert in traditional and social media for domestic and international causes and clients. Sand…
Kimberly (Kim) Robertson is a (now retired) Air Force spouse and a member of both the 2015-2017 and 2017-2019 MFAN Advisory Board. She is also…
T.T. Robinson is a Navy spouse, a freelance writer, and the founder of Humans on the Homefront, a website that features the stories of service…
Hana is a Marine Corps veteran and Marine Corps spouse. She served 10 years active duty in the Marine Corps as an aviation ordnance technician…
Janet Sanchez is an Army wife, a two-term MFAN advisor, and the founder and president of Esposas Militares Hispanas USA, a nonprofit that offe…
Rebekah Sanderlin is the wife an Army Veteran, the author of the blog Operation Marriage, and co-founder and author of the “Home Is Where” boo…
Kristine Schellhaas has spent nearly two decades with her Marine husband. Her journey, as told in her award-winning memoir “15 Years of War” (…
Alexandra is a former educator turned project manager. A Navy spouse of ten years, she advocates for military-connected students and is a cont…
E.J. Smith is a licensed counselor, mental health advocate, and writer. She focuses primarily on crisis response and healing following sexual …
Bianca Strzalkowski is a freelance writer, editor, and public relations consultant. A proud Marine Corps wife of 16 years, she has experience …
Erin Ward, an Army spouse, is Chief Operating Officer for the Military Spouse Corporate Career Network and operations manager for Corporate Am…
Lidesyan McKinney is a Navy spouse, a Navy reservist, and a licensed massage therapist.