Ginger Gerrish is a Coast Guard spouse currently residing in California.
Her areas of passion are:
Ginger is a trained sociological researcher and a Coast Guard spouse. Raised by two strong women, her grandmother and mother, from an early age Ginger learned the value of hard work and service to others. She is passionate about research that elevates marginalized voices and the power of research to spur meaningful change. Her research focuses on trauma-informed practices within educational settings. Ginger currently serves as the secretary for the National Council of Coast Guard Spouses’ Clubs.
Ginger’s husband enlisted in the Coast Guard and has been serving for six years. They have lived in places full of military life and resources like Honolulu, Hawaii as well as those with scarce military infrastructure like Southwest Harbor, Maine. They currently reside in Alameda, California and advocate for increased access to resources for Coast Guard families who are not stationed near a military base.
Ginger is passionate about advocating for access to safe military housing as well as increased transparency of environmental health and safety issues, such as water contamination and mold, within both privatized military housing and military-owned military housing. She also seeks to find improved accountability within the PCS process to better support military families during times of change. Her goal is to bring the stories and experiences of military families in front of leaders and decision makers so that the voices of all stakeholders are heard.
She is interested in sustainable living, niche board games, cooking, and women’s health. In her free time, Ginger and her husband, Ben, love to try new restaurants and go on camping adventures with their dog, Reveille.