MFAN’s work has been covered in national and local print, broadcast, and digital news. Whether we’re discussing our latest research, introducing the broader public to the modern military family, or weighing in on our lifestyle, we’re committed to responsibly representing military families based on what we see in our research and what we experience firsthand.
Military families move, on average, every 2.5 years, according to the Military Family Advisory Ne...
Shannon Razsadin, who leads the advocacy organization Military Family Advisory Network, said scho...
“When you think about welcoming a new member of your family, you often find yourselves leaning on...
"How can we make it easier for families to access the support they need? Families are having a ha...
[PODCAST] As all military service branches struggle to hit recruiting goals, a new survey shows f...
The Military Family Advisory Network study finds active-duty troops, spouses, and vets are less l...
Fewer military, veterans and spouses are likely to recommend military service, according to the f...
Military families are reporting housing, health, and financial challenges, according to a survey ...
A new survey released on Thursday showed fewer military families recommend joining the service, a...